I’m totally flexible…

I pride myself on being “adventurous” and “free-spirited.” I don’t ever do anything crazy, but I always say I am up for it. My younger self wasn’t exactly a rabble-rouser, either. But I’m a dreamer.

I WANT to just jump in the car and drive without an official plan.

I WANT to throw a dart at a map and go where it lands (except I’m terrible at darts, so I’d probably have to go to Antarctica).

I WANT to stay out late and party and dance and have a social life (okay, I want to want that. I don’t actually want that).

But something happened this weekend that made me realize I am way more stuck in my routine than I would like to admit. Are you ready? It was the craziest thing that put me way out of my comfort zone.

My husband came to the grocery store with me and started shopping on the wrong side. He was weaving in and out of isles with reckless abandon. He was tossing things in the shopping cart with no regard for my carefully constructed list. He was dropping canned goods on top of tortillas – heaven help me. Listen. I was so much more stressed during that 6 minutes than I’ve been in a long time (and I don’t exactly have a stress-free life). I finally told him we have to go the right way through the store because I couldn’t handle it. Here’s the thing – he wasn’t doing anything “wrong.” He didn’t ruin any groceries. He didn’t put anything in the cart we wouldn’t use. He didn’t blow the budget. He just wasn’t doing it the way I normally do it.

I am not proud of this. However, I love grocery stores. I love grocery shopping and meal planning and meal prep and feeding people and trying new recipes – the whole shebang. But maybe I love it because I have a system that I stick to that works for me.

The hubs just laughed at me, and politely obliged. He knows I love to grocery shop and was not surprised the least bit to hear that I have a system I prefer. It’s not even that elaborate! It’s just my way.

So, breaking news, I am apparently not up for random adventure without prior notice and proper preparation. But if you need a grocery shopping game plan, I’m your girl!

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